Everyone now days wants to make money from home so they can spend more time with their kids. It seems the Internet is on everyone’s mind as the best way to accomplish that and it is indeed probably the best way. However, have you ever considered what it might mean for you tax wise if you are successful in starting your own home business?
Most people who start out to make some extra money online only make small amounts by maybe going to one of the surveys for money websites. They make $50 to $100 or less and then give up. But what if you are one of the ones who does break through and is successful at becoming self employed on the Internet?
The first thing that will happen is that you will have to pay both ends of the Social Security tax. If you are working for a company right now, they pay one half of the SS tax. But once you go out on your own you will be responsible for all 15.3% which is double what you are paying now. And as with all things having to do with the IRS, there is no way around it.
There might be other state taxes that you owe depending where you live. Washington and Ohio have a B&O tax which will take another 1.5% out of your pocket. It might also be a good idea to form an LLC or some other corporate entity for tax reasons and to protect yourself from liability.
All in all, working from home is a great idea that many people would like to be able to accomplish. However, few of them think about all the things that may will happen when you become a sole proprietorship and work for yourself. Like all things in life, there are both good aspects and bad aspects of becoming successful on your own.