Obama Believes That Taxes Help In Debt Reduction

President Obama believes that the U.S. can reduce its $15 trillion-plus federal debt by generating revenue from the increase in taxes.

While attending the Business Roundtable talks Obama stated that along with finding ways to cut spending, revenue had to also be dealt with. He believes that the people of America understand that this must be done in order to solve the country’s financial problems.

Taxes will be on everyone’s minds at election time.

The opponents of Obama- Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, all are in opposition of increasing taxes. They argue that the creations of jobs and the economy’s growth will not benefit from the tax increases.

The GOP Republicans have led the way in White House budget crises by opposing any hikes in taxes.

No matter what the election outcome is in November, December is sure to bring any tax increase issues to the forefront.

The end of the year will bring to an end the tax cuts that were signed by then-President George W. Bush, along with the recently signed payroll tax cut.
Obama’s desire is to end the tax cuts signed by Bush for those individuals making a yearly income of more than $200,000. All the while he is pushing for a rule that would require at least 30 percent of a millionaire’s income to be paid in taxes.

Obama claims that his only desire is to create a balanced approach to reduce debt, not creating huge tax increases.

It is believed that the economy can be stabilized by making moderate tax adjustments, and by doing this, America can be back on top in the future.

Strategies for Settling Tax Debt

Every taxpayer has several options for resolving his federal tax debts. There are many tax professionals who are willing to help individuals to evaluate their options for dealing with tax debts. They will prepare financial statement for their clients based on their financial situation to determine which tax settlement strategies are most applicable for them.

Below are the five strategies to settle your tax debts.

1. Installment agreement –  This is a monthly payment plan for paying off your Internal Revenue Service. With this IRS tax debt settlement strategy, either you or your tax professional can set up an instalment agreement by filling out some paper works, over the phone or by using online payment agreement.

2. Not currently collectible –  It means that the taxpayer has no ability to pay his tax debts. After the Internal Revenue Service received the evidence that you have no ability to pay, it will declare that you are “currently not collectible”. After declaration, the IRS shall stop all collection activities including levies and garnishment.

3. Partial payment installment agreement –  This is an IRS tax debt settlement strategy that contains a fairly new debt management program. Through this, you will have a long term payment plan to pay off the Internal Revenue Service at a reduced dollar amount.

4. Filing a bankruptcy – As a tax payer, you can be eligible for discharge under Chapter 7 (which provides full discharge of your allowable debts and which is most likely applicable when you have no real state or when you have modest income) or under Chapter 13 (where you will be provided with a payment plan to repay some of your debts, with the remainder of debts discharged) of the Bankruptcy Code. However, not all tax debts are capable of being discharged in bankruptcy.

5. Filing an offer-in-compromise –  It is one of the best ways to settle your tax debts for even less than the amount you owe. There are 3 options for this IRS tax debt settlement strategy: lump sum payment, monthly payment for over 24months or less, or monthly payments over the remaining statute of limitations. If you choose the lump sum payment plan, you must submit at least 20% down payment or must start making monthly payments if you choose any of the two monthly payment options.

There are several tax settlement strategies you can choose from. However, there are certain requirements for each option that you have to comply first before you become eligible.

Income Tax Repayment Agreements

When you get into debt with the IRS it’s not a happy time. There’s stress and more stress as you worry about how you’re going to pay the income tax debt. There’s a lot of uncertainty too about what your options are and what kind of penalties you might incur. As I said, it’s not a happy time.

Fortunately, all is not bleak. The IRS is surprisingly reasonable when it comes to paying back your tax debt. They in fact allow you to enter into a repayment agreement to do just that.

Now there’s not a lot of negotiation room with one of these agreements. The IRS pretty much dictates the terms. But these agreements can be life-savers when you find you don’t have the cash to pay off the debt or the ability to borrow it either. There are a couple things to keep in mind however.

The first thing to keep in mind is that these tax settlement agreements are not open-ended. They’re usually set up so that you pay off your balance within a five year period. That means the monthly payments can be a bit on the high side.

Another important point is that once you begin one of these agreements, you must be very careful not to miss a payment as it will void the agreement and make you immediately liable for the complete balance amount.

And then there’s the special requirement that calls for you to pay off all of your future tax liabilities in full and on time. That means you need to get your taxes in order for the new tax year. You can’t let your tax liability go unpaid during the next year or your repayment agreement will be voided.

IRS repayment agreements come with a cost. Interest and penalties continue to accrue while you have an outstanding balance. But together they’re on par with normal loan rates so you won’t get skinned alive. And if you want to make extra payments, you can do so to further reduce the balance.

Settling a debt with the IRS can be a difficult time in anyone’s life. The IRS has more power than simple debt collection agencies and they use it. Thankfully when other options aren’t available there’s still a repayment alternative you can turn to.

How to Effectively Settle Your Tax Debt

Life can be a lot easier if you do not have to worry of everything such as settling tax debt. Tax debt has been the problem of many people since they have received some notice form the IRS. Whatever the reasons in not settling the tax debt, the fact still remains that this is a debt that needs to be paid. In order to settle IRS tax debt, you have to do some necessary actions in order for your salary paycheck and house to be auctioned. This can be possible if they see that are not willing or you are showing negligence. Therefore, you got do something in order for the IRS to see that you are willing to do your part.

If you have received letters from the IRS, it is necessary that you call them and not vice versa. Do not wait for the moment where the IRS agents will call you. This only means that you are not showing interest in settling your tax debt. You can negotiate with them to know the terms and conditions which you think you can be able to meet. Do not sign any legal documents if you are not sure that you can be able to meet them. If you think that the agreement is in your favor, then you can sign it but be sure to follow religiously what is agreed upon. Because if not, the penalties and interest will increase tremendously. For people who have lost their job or have physical disabilities, the penalties and interest are removed. This case does not apply to everybody.

It is highly recommended that you have to educate yourself with the laws and regulations governing tax debt. If you have zero knowledge then you can search online and be familiar with the terms and conditions as well as the favors which you can avail of. Another thing that you can do in order to gain more information is to visit the local attorney in your place. Lawyers are the perfect source of information so you can visit one of them to know learn the laws and regulations of IRS regarding tax debt.

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Settle Debts with an IRS Debt Attorney

You will never know how delinquent debts are until you see all your assets and hard-earned cash had already been taken away from you. This is one of the saddest parts of life that you might experience. But, will you allow this to happen to you? With the help of the IRS debt attorney, you will have the opportunity to escape from this kind of tragic event that is bound to happen.

For people like you who suffer from the consequences of your monetary mismanagement, an attorney can be the last resort and the biggest hope as well. This is because of the fact that they are the most palpable solution to your debt problems. Because of the fact that they are trained professionals, they can help you in all the areas of debt settlement steps and procedures.

Basically, one of the programs they offer in order for your debts to be settled is no other than the offer in compromise or OIC. By having that on your hands, the attorney will have more authority in negotiating with your creditors.  But how and where will you be able to seek the help of an attorney with regard to your debts? These attorneys are handled by companies so, the best thing that you can do to benefit from their help and assistance is to look for debt attorney providers. Before you do that, conducting a research will really count a lot. This will enable you to know and to assess whether a certain company that you chose is reliable and reputable.

Aside from using debt negotiators to negotiate with your creditors, the attorney can also assist you when it comes to the seized property. This is also synonymous to the term IRS seizures which is a very painful tool used by the IRS against a certain taxpayer who failed to pay out his tax at the right time. Actually, there are different kinds of this seizure and the most common is no other than the property seizure. But you don’t have anything to worry about because your attorney will be the one to fix this problem.

So what are you waiting for? If you are suffering the terrible pangs of your debts, now is the perfect time to get an IRS Debt Attorney.